My name is Scott and I am currently making a living as a photographer in Southern California. I am currently doing quite a bit of graphic design and photography  for various companies on the net. I will graduate this June, and will pursue a full time job in the photography/ graphic design/ multimedia design feild.

I enjoy everything from fine art to commercial photography. I am very interested in the work of such photographers as Chip Simons. You may not know Chip Simons by name, but  you've definitely seen some of his images.  Simons uses fisheye lenses and colored strobes to create some of the coolest images around.  

People often ask me the question, "what kind of camera do you use?"  The cameras I use most are my Cannon Eos1-N and my Kiev 60.  The Kiev 60 is an awesome camera because of its inexpensive lenses. I was able to pick a 30 mm, 80 mm, and 200 mm lens all for under US800.  All of the lenses are excellent quality.  

I really enjoy getting E-mail, so send me an email and let me know what is on your mind!